Leadership Today

leadership wordsLeadership means a lot of different things to different people. I don’t know that there isn’t a “correct” definition for leadership but one of my favorite descriptions is:

Leadership is the influence of others in a productive, vision-driven direction and is done through example, conviction and character of the leader.

Breaking down that definition, let’s look at influence. In John Maxwell’s book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Mr. Maxwell defines leadership as influence, nothing more, nothing less. I believe that influence is a key ingredient but there has to be more direction and tying the influence into a purposeful vision or direction is critical for long-term success. All of this works most effectively and with the greatest results when the leader demonstrates through their own actions and character.

People are driven to the study of leadership for many reasons. In many cases their vision of good leadership might provide them power and control. I don’t believe that is an appropriate expectation. I believe a successful leader can expect a life filed with empowering others, helping to fix problems and serving others.

Periodically I will share some of my thoughts on leadership, in some cases that might be original content and in other cases I might refer you to something I’ve found or read. My goal is to continually improve my own leaderships awareness and I’m happy to share what I’ve learned with you. Stop back and check out my blogs dealing with leadership development. Join the conversation. My hope is by sharing some ideas, I will help you accelerate your business!

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