Business Development Today

growth graphThere are endless topics, ideas and concepts to share regarding business development strategies and techniques. I’m especially passionate about consultative business development and leveraging technology to drive revenue. The way in which we do business is constantly changing. Studying those adjustments and applying the right approach will result in success for anyone in the sales business.

How we prepare and execute every interaction that we have with potential and existing customers shapes our long-term success. That preparation can help you qualify a prospect – a key part of the business development process. Knowing when to move on from a prospect and when to stay diligent often separates those who are successful and those who are not.

How you differentiate you and your company from the market is critical in the selling process. Can you articulate the thing that separates you from your competition? Is it unique and believable? Can you support those differences? How are you reaching and presenting information to your prospects? Each situation can be unique but there are some best practices out there and much can be learned from sharing successful strategies.

OK, you have earned the business, now the challenge is to keep the customer engaged and continue to add value to the relationship. Understanding loyalty and what drives a person’s willingness to recommend you can provide you great insight into retaining business and will even impact your new business development efforts.

These are just a few of the factors that influence the business development cycle. Stop back and check out my blogs dealing with business development strategy. Join the conversation. My hope is by sharing some ideas, I will help you accelerate your business!

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